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LGBTQIA+ Affirmative Depression Therapy in Agoura Hills, Los Angeles

Let’s decode what your depression is trying to tell you.

The modern world can be experienced as materialistic, superficial, and lacking enough fulfilling connections in the age of many time emotionally empty social interactions. Many are living on autopilot to get through draining careers that don’t always help create a sustainable life. 

Other personal life experiences like surviving abuse, enduring medical conditions, or having a void of fulfilling emotional connection and life goals can make the chances of depression much higher. The Covid pandemic came and increased disconnection, stress, and developmental delays. And this is just the tip of the iceberg for causes of depression for humans as a whole. 

Add a marginalized identity like being a member of the LGBTQIA+ community into the picture, and I can imagine how the experience of depression has found you. Maybe for you it’s something family related, related to surviving trauma, related to your current circumstances, or related to the state of the world. It’s all valid, and all so heavy.

No need to sugar coat this: There are plenty of triggers for depression in our modern society.

You’re likely noticing it’s harder to act like and feel like yourself, you feel like you are wearing a mask of being okay to get through your interactions with others, and it’s just hard to tap into your authentic self.

Physically you aren’t feeling as vibrant- You have low energy, your sleep and eating habits have been messed up, and the simple tasks throughout your day just seem harder.

Maybe this has even grown to feel more existential. You don’t know what you believe anymore, you have a sense of hopelessness, and the weight of the world is just really getting to you. 

At this point, the goal isn’t even trying to be happy. You just want to feel okay and not so emotionally weighed down all the time.

How Therapy For
Depression Works

Imagine being able to…

  • Unmask yourself and live authentically 
  • More easily identify what you need to feel more vibrant and alive
  • Figure out a life path that energizes and excites you

Healing from depression starts when the suppressed parts of your experience come to the surface:

If you are depressed because you’ve had to repress a part of your identity, healing is helping that repressed part surface. 

If you’ve had to repress your authenticity due to the environment you are in, healing is letting your authenticity express itself freely. 

If your depression was triggered by needing to suppress certain emotions that were considered taboo or shameful in your life, healing is mending your relationship with those emotions so they can be expressed. 

For existential depression, the healing is exploring and acknowledging what you need to thrive the best you can given the circumstances. 

With our deeper healing modalities, we can help you explore the root of your depression and what you specifically need to release it (Learn More →).

Therapy for Depression Can Help You…

  • Explore the root cause of your depression

  • Identify your unmet needs that are fueling your depression

  • Tap into inner resources that help you move towards healing

  • Acknowledge your depression is a sign that something needs shifting in your life

You don’t have to be alone with the weight of your experience. Let’s help you find some relief. 

book a free consultation →

Frequently asked questions

Why is the LGBTQIA+ community more likely to be depressed?

Beyond the common triggers for depression in society, when you add a marginalized or vulnerable identity into a person’s experience, it increases the chances of depression significantly.

Professor Ken Hardy (in relation to racial identity, but the point still stands with the queer community, especially in relation to Queer People of Color) has a concept of the “assaulted sense of self”, which refers to negative views towards oneself due to society discriminating against and marginalizing people within your identity group(s). 

This experience can lead to internalized queerphobias, which is the belief that something is inherently wrong with you for being queer because that’s what your environment has been telling you. For queer individual who grow up in queerphobic households, communities, states, or see the discrimination towards other queer people in different places, it can take a huge toll on overall wellbeing and very understandably fuel depression. Humans aren’t meant to live in a way that denies them the ability to authentically express themselves.

Can therapy fully treat my depression?

We see healing through a holistic lens, with a lot of different mind / body factors at play. We can help you to explore your experience, engage in trauma healing, and find coping skills that can help you on your path of releasing depression.

However, depression is a mind / body experience that can also be inflamed by medical and physical health experiences. If you have experiences like hormone imbalances, substance use, or dietary concerns we may encourage you connect with your primary care doctor, a nutritionist, a psychiatrist, or another type of professional to help you in ways that are outside of a therapist’s scope of practice. If you would like us to be able to collaborate with that other professional to help you, you can sign a release form that allows us to communicate with them!